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Egyptian Anomalies

Left is another interesting enigmatic "out of place" Egyptian artifact

"At the Hathor Temple in Dendera, Egypt, several intriguing glyphs are depicting strange scenes. In the opinion of a classical archeologist, there is hardly anything out of ordinary in the scenes. The explanation of the glyphs stirred some passion amongst amateurs and experts alike.

But then something curious happened: the book got noticed by electrical engineers. As a group of professionals who could not care less about what other experts think, they commented on the picture with an unequivocal 'wow!'

Ivan Sanderson gives an example of analysis in an already mentioned publication, "Investigating the Unexplained" done by an electromagnetics engineer, who knew nothing about the history or mythology of ancient Egyptians. It is necessary to quote him verbatim for contextual meaning:

"The items, as depicted, are most fascinating; certain elements, especially the cables, are virtually an exact copy of engineering illustrations as currently used. The cable is shown as very heavy, and striated, indicating a bundle of many conductors, rather than a single high voltage cable.

As a matter of fact, a single high voltage cable would be much thinner; if the insulation was required to be that heavy for extreme high voltages, or moderately high voltages at high currents, rest assured that no technician would be holding the associated device. Corona leakage would 'get' him most swiftly.

The supporting stands would be much taller and heavier to withstand such voltages. It is much more likely that the cable is, as stated, a multi-conductor, wrapped and insulated with an outer jacket. If this were a 'light bulb', the maximum size of both would be explainable by heavy current demands; but high voltage of such a size would not be required.

It would seem to follow that moderately high voltages are in use; a connector is obviously employed; some type of supporting base to glass seal seems apparent."

The monkey with knives in hand on the right of the picture is a glypth that supposedly coveys; danger for the uninitiated.

Obviously, these technologies did not belong to the Egyptians, if they are legitimate artifacts. We'd know if the Egyptians tooled around in helicopters and airplanes, or routinely used electric power. Note that the bas relief objects at Abydos were reported to have been found underneath newer, Egyptian artifacts.

All artifacts from the previous pre-flood age would not have been destroyed in the flood. If our civilization were wiped out in a worldwide flood, what artifacts would remain for post flood civilizations to find--and possibly use or revere? Skyscrapers, cars, metal objects? What if those men could not guess what their original uses were but incorporated them somehow as "sacred" objects or objects to recreate in art etc.?

Consider the Sphinx. New data concerning the WATER EROSION on the Sphinx indicates that it may be much older than previously thought--built by a civilization much older than Egypt's.

We still today can't replicate the technology of the "4th dynasty" pyramids. "Egyptologists thought (some still do) that the Sphinx was built during the 4th Dynasty of ancient Egypt. However this theory has more recently been challenged.

In contrast to the older pyramids, "3rd" dynasty pyramids were built with blocks manageably small enough to be moved by 5 or 6 men. 5th and 6th dynasty pyramids which are supposed to be more advanced, were so poorly built that most of them today amount to little more than large piles of rubble.

Fourth dynasty pyramids at Giza (where the Sphinx is also to be found) however, have survived thousands of years relatively intact--and the blocks are so large that it is difficult to understand how they were moved."

Bagdad Battery

Right, a "working" 2000+ year old battery.

The ancient battery in the Baghdad Museum, as well as those others which were unearthed in Iraq, are all dated from the Parthian occupation between 248 BCE and 226 CE. However,a Dr. Konig, the discoverer also found copper vases plated with silver in the Baghdad Museum, excavated from Sumerian sites in southern Iraq, dating back to at least 2500 BCE.

When the vases were lightly tapped, a blue patina or film separated from the surface, which is characteristic of silver electroplated onto copper base. It would appear then that the Parthians inherited their batteries from one of the earliest known civilizations.

Neanderthal Skull With "Bullet Hole" Behind Ear

An Auroch is an large, extinct "buffalo like" animal. Many skeletons of this extinct type have been found in Europe.

What is remarkable about one in particular in the Moscow Museum of Paleontology is that it has a bullet hole in its skull. The hole is round, without radial cracks that would result from slower projectiles like spears and arrows. The only known projectile that leaves this kind of smooth, round hole without radial cracks is a bullet because of its velocity.

I mention the auroch first because of a possible objection that can be raised. If it is indeed a bullet hole, perhaps the skeleton was shot many, many years after the animals' death. The problem here is that the auroch survived the wound and lived long enough for unmistakable calcification to appear at the site of the injury.

How did an animal that became extinct supposedly thousands and thousands of years ago come by a "modern" bullet hole in its skull

A similar round, clean, smooth hole without radial cracks was found in the skull of a "Neanderthal" man found in the early 1920's in Rhodesia. The man supposedly died over 40,000 years ago.

The skull is currently at the British Museum. The skull was found more than fifty feet below ground level. In addition to the hole consistent only with that made by a bullet, the other side of the skull was blown out from the inside!

Now, a word about this photo. There aren't that many Neanderthal skulls in "captivity". I heard about this alleged bullet hole several years ago and I knew that it was a particular skull at the British Museum. I found this photo several years ago and I think it is important to say that the museum made no mention of the bullet hole at all.

It was simply one of the photos of the skull. I think that bears a lttle on its authenticity--it did not purport to be a picture of a skull with a bullet hole. That fact is something that the anthropologists apparently overlooked. Cuozzo, in his book, Buried Alive mentions actually getting his hands on the skull.

Of course, there are alternative explanations given for the hole, but it appears to have been the fatal wound and nothing we know of makes that kind of wound except a bullet---or perhaps a small meteorite, presumably traveling horizontally to the ground.

On the one hand, you have Paleontologists offering alternative scenarios for the hole, and on the other you have a German forensic scientist who examined the skull who states categorically that the wound could have come only from a bullet because of the velocity neccessary to produce the characteristics of the wound. One assumes that the forensic scientist would have some experience with bullet holes that perhaps an anthropologist or a paleoentolist may not have.

Shot with an Arrow or A Spear This Toxodon Went Down 2 Million Years Prior To 1st Official Hunting Season

The Toxodon was supposedly extinct nearly 2 Million years ago and men are supposed to have been around only a few hundred thousand years yet; this Toxy has an arrow or a spear point in the bone. See blue arrow (no,that's not the one that got him).

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