The Ooparts Collection


20th Century Dinosaurs

Dinosaurs in Literature, Art & History

Eyewitness Accounts

There Were Giants In The Earth in Those Days

Mega Fauna

Those Sophisticated "Cave Men"

Search for Noah's Ark

DNA, The Ultimate Oopart

The Bone Yards

Underwater Cities, Monuments?

Ancient Atomic Knowledge?

Salvation. What Must You Do To Be Saved?







Free Online E-Book:

Tracking the Ancient Griffin, Modern Monsters and the �Extinct� Pterosaur Through Art, History and Science
Publish at Calaméo or browse others.

"The Passion of the Christ" Movie Review by Jody Dean

A Simple Experiment That Should Refute Creationism--What Happened? Investigating faith, ethics and religious doctrine.

7 Wonders of Mount St. Helens..Grand Canyon changes in days vs millions of years

Lack of Human Genetic Variability..Nearly Wiped Out--in the past say geneticists

Robert Gentry�s Proof that the Earth�s Crust was formed in 3 minutes

The Origin of Life and the Suppression of the Truth ..Missler

Darwinism: Time to Reconsider

Wistar Destroys Evolution

Bird-brained, Dinosaur to Bird Proponents Get Wings Clipped, Eat Crow: The Archaeoraptor Hoax

Aliens Caused Global Warming Author of Jurassic Park, Michael Crichton, Explains How Science has become Political, and Chews up Critics: I.E. Like Evolutionists

Ancient Chinese Language Supports Creation

God Did Not Create, Evil, Cold or Darkness..A Brief Encounter

The Unraveling of Scientific Materialism.. By Philip Johnson

DNA, Design & the Origin of Life..Charles Thaxton

Does God Exist? Yes! Says Mathematician

"The Colonists" A Short Story

Who Let the Dogs--In? All Dogs/Wolves/Pekinese/St Bernards- Come from Same Parents

The Suppression of Anomalous Artifacts of Science Viewzone

True Suppressions: A Plot to Control History?..Hart

The Inspiration of the Scriptures Scientifically Demonstrated..Interesting!

The Canon of Scripture and the Apographa..How we got the Scriptures

Noah's Ark--A Flawless Floater by Kyle Butt, M. A.

1 Human Brain More Powerful Than All Computers ever Made

Where Are All Those Aliens?..Martians Welcome! Foreigners: NO Love.

Decaying Dolphins Cause Bird to Dino Theory to Stink

The Great Pyramid, Egypt: by Martin Gray

Which 1 Believes in Objective Science, Which is the Evolutionist, Which a Christian?

Parkway church of Christ

Neither Catholic Nor Protestant: A Christian Only!

Where Could I Go--but to the Lord-Online Acapella

The Sinner's Prayer: Where Did it Come From? Is it Biblical?

Are Christians Still Under the Ten Commandments?

The Canon of Scripture and the Apographa..How we got the Scriptures

The Tower of Babel? Scientists Say All Languages Came From One Area--Turkey

"Bishop" Strossmayer's Extraordinary Speech on Papal Infallability

Scholars Say "Jesus Box" May be Authentic

Icons of Evolution

Contemporary Scholarship and the Historical Evidence for the Resurrection of Jesus Christ

Evidence for Creation by Outside Intervention by Lloyd Pye, Atheist:U Separate chaff from wheat,here!

Geologists Demand Removal Of Creationist Book From Grand Canyon Bookstores--Threaten "Hizzy Fit"


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Point of View:We have a Biblical viewpoint on the world. Ooparts are evidence, we think, that the Flood actually happened. News items or magazine articles that report them may not have the same perspective that Christians do. When we read for instance, a scientific article that puzzles over our lack of genetic variability, we think of the Flood of Noah. We would include that article here, without editing, because we expect Christians to use their filters on such an article. That does not mean that we agree with the evolutionary timeframe given in said article.

We think it�s more interesting when general newspaper articles or science articles observe data that they might see one way, but that Christians might see another way given our own knowledge about God, creation and the flood. It�s more interesting to quote Stephen Jay Gould saying that �the lack of transitional fossils is the trade secret of paleontology�, than it might be to hear another Christian say it.

So, no we don�t believe the universe is millions or billions of years old. We don�t know how old it is�we just know who created it and how long it took Him. We do not believe in pre-Adamic races, though we do believe that there were �civiilizations� prior to the Flood. We don�t believe in space aliens or cooties. We expect you to use your own knowledge filter on this site.

Site Map

This is an extremely large site with quite a bit of information. Much of that information is divided among a number of categories for which there are relevant "buttons" on the left side of the page. If you're new to the site, we would recommend that you read the first few pages of this section and then to use the SiteMap which contains brief descriptions of each web page on the site. The Site Map can be accessed by clicking the Search/SiteMap button on the left side of each page.


Do unexplained technologies of the ancients provide possible proofs of Pre-flood civilizations? If you believe that the flood of Noah actually happened, what was the state of the technology of pre-flooders? Could they have left physical evidence of their existence?

Much of what we think we know about the past is wrong. Columbus discovered America? That's wrong for so many reasons--and must have come as some surprise to the people who were living here at the time. First manned flight by the Wright brothers at Kitty Hawk? No! Marconi invented the radio? Not at all!

Why is the oldest pyramid, the Great Pyramid, the one built with the highest technology; bigger blocks with closer fit? "Newer" pyramids are crumbling because they were built with less skill. Some are suggesting that the Great Pyramid of Giza is much, older (relatively) than previously thought. (For more on the incredible, Great Pyramid,see Page 13 of this section.)

It's also been said that the Great Pyramid is the largest and most accurately designed single building in the world even by today's standards.

On these pages, we want to look at history through another lense.


Photo 1, is a section of a relief on an Egyptian temple wall at Abydos; (photo by Dr. Ruth Hover). Photo 2, the Saqqara Bird. Both items are dated at a minimum of 2000 years. Note the other interesting bas relief objects in Photo 1.

The Saqqara Bird is the cargo plane in the Logo Picture at the top of this web page and the helicopters and chase planes are also electronically snipped items from the wall at Abydos in Photo 1. More about these and other such items later.

I may not agree completely with all of the statements or conclusions reached by Anthropologist/author Jonathan Gray, but this discussion of some of the themes of his book Dead Men's Secrets, dovetails very well with the things covered on these pages and will serve as my intro:

"..On November 17, 3398 B.C., two billion people, with their astonishing technology, vanished from the face of the earth. This lost super race beat us to the moon(?), to computers, and to nuclear war. A cosmic disaster occurred which wiped out a super civilization and generated 6,000 foot tidal waves the disaster known to early civilizations worldwide as the great flood (the deluge mentioned in the book of Genesis in the Bible, for which Noah constructed the Ark to save a remnant of mankind). :

...The descendants of this super race branched out from Ararat (Armenia) to create civilizations less advanced technologically, but still with some knowledge of their original civilization. The theory of evolution, which believes in the gradual progression of man, cannot stand up to the evidence governed by the laws of thermo-dynamics. The evidence of fully developed cities and an advanced technology of a superior man, whose society deteriorated over time is irrefutable. :

...Early "cave men" wore clothes like ours? (more later & see Those Sophisticated Cave Men) That man knew the secret of flight before the twentieth century? That early civilizations performed open-heart surgery and fluoroscopy? That there were once shining cities illuminated by a means of electricity unknown to us today. The list is endless and fascinating, pointing to a super civilization, evidences of which can no longer be ignored. :

..Archaeological and anthropological evidence that something very big happened on this planet in the past..something so big it wiped traces of just about everything from the face of the earth. From around the world, "impossible" ancient inventions have been surfacing of late, and some of them from a technology as advanced as our own. :

Nearly all the writings of ancient people worldwide tell the same story, that of decline from an original "Golden Age." That a cataclysmic disaster wiped out the advanced world. Today's diggings worldwide show that these traditions tally with the facts.

Enormous stone masses or metal fragments are there; they cannot be argued away. (Photo shows ancient stone hewn from single block and weighs at least 2.4 million pounds. No modern crane could move it. More later.) I believe that this original advanced world, gave impetus to all succeeding civilizations, and is well within the framework of scientific thinking. :

There are recently discovered artifacts that cannot be dismissed, namely, objects of metal sitting in museums, unquestionably made in the ancient world, that would have required very advanced technology to produce. A technology not to be repeated until our day. :

The entire world is really a "dead man's tomb," a treasure hunter's paradise. As we pry open the coffin, suspense builds. Slowly we're lifting the lid on a lost technology which almost smacks of science fiction?

The global flood catastrophe is one of the key facts of all history. Not only is there a mass of geological evidence,it has left an indelible impression on the memory of the entire human race. An analysis of some 600 individual flood traditions reveals a widespread concurrence on essential points: the prior corruption of mankind, a flood warning unheeded by the masses, a survival vessel, the preservation of up to eight people with representative animal life, the sending forth of a bird to determine the suitability of reemerging land, significance in the rainbow, descent from a mountain, and the re-population of the whole earth from a single group of survivors.

(Photo: under water monument off the coast of Japan)Especially remarkable is the persistence of that biblical name Noah. And this is particularly so when you consider the ultimate language differences between peoples, and the extreme local distortions which (developed in flood legends. Yet the name survived virtually unchanged in such isolated places as Hawaii (where he was called Nu-u), the Sudan (Nuh), China (Nu-Wah), the Amazon region (Noa), Phrygia (Noe) and among the Hottentots (Noh and Hiagnoh). :

Are you aware that "ALL CULTURES BEGAN SUDDENLY" and were fully developed? A long preliminary period is not supported by archaeology. Before cities on earth, there was nothing. There was no transition whatsoever between the ancient civilizations and any primitive forebearers. They were at their peak from the beginning. :

...Great cities, enormous temples, pyramids of overwhelming size. Colossal statues with tremendous expressive power. Luxurious tunnels and tombs. Splendid streets flanked by magnificent sculpture, perfect drainage systems. A decimal system at the very start. A ready-made writing, already perfected. A well established naming system (in which each Pharaoh had as many as five names). Society already divided into specialist classes. An army, civil service and hierarchy minutely organized. A court exhibiting all the indications of well-defined precedence and form. Egypt came from a clearly established civilization.

The only conclusions that can be drawn from the evidence is that,1 Each of the first civilizations appeared suddenly, already fully developed. 2) That a connection existed between them. 3) Their footprints led back to the Middle East mountains where Noah and his family left the Ark. :

The sudden appearance of civilization is itself a memorial to history's one great catastrophe. More importantly, the flood is a historical event of tremendous testimonial importance to modern man...... :

Ancient Maps:
....hard evidence that shows the ancient's knowledge of planet earth as seen through their cartographers eyes was far more sophisticated than we have previously supposed. Their maps are surprisingly accurate and reveal knowledge of parts of the earth that were not known until very recently. They also show profound changes have taken place in man's lifetime since the flood, especially at the poles as you shall see. :

Maps drawn from the 11th to the 17th century were obviously copied from maps probably drawn thousands of years before. Some maps show Greenland and Antarctica free of ice. (The Piri Reis Map from 1513 shows Antartica):

Obviously these maps..had to have been copied from earlier sources. They display a scientific achievement far surpassing the abilities of the navigators and map-makers of the Renaissance, Middle Ages, the Arab world, or any ancient geographers. THEY HAD TO BE THE PRODUCT OF AN UNKNOWN PEOPLE ANTEDATING RECOGNIZED HISTORY.--end of quote

" Science supports the Bible. That's just how it is. On the other hand, there's the theory of Evolution which is not science. What sustains it? FAITH !Science as Religion. One has to believe that all matter is self created, that this matter in turn created intelligence and; in spite of the fact that it has never been seen, that this inorganic self-creating matter then created life in opposition to observed science. All of this in violation of the 1st and 2nd law of Physics, probability theory, biogenesis and common sense.

This belief system necessitates extraordinary explanatory contortions, strange suppositions and sleight of hand. For example, since catastrophic events in our history would lend too much credence to the truth of the Flood of Noah event, those theories are avoided. It is thought and promoted that man has evolved both physically and technologically from the primitive to the modern on a uniform basis.

Given that presupposition, what do you do as a scientist when you encounter ancient artifacts produced by antique high technology?

As a scientist, you�d better be careful what you say or risk ridicule and professional suicide. As a result one can wind up convincing oneself, other scientific disciplines and the public that these things can be explained by elbow grease or some other arcane theory which is best not examined too closely.(That's how items like true optical lenses get described as "worship artifacts"--because everyone knows the ancients didn't have optical lenses). See True Suppressions

If the Bible account is true, evidence in the form of archeological artifacts and the like should be occasionally found in the fossil and archeological record--and they are!

On subsequent pages we discuss some of the evidence that indicates that what we've been told by science may not be entirely accurate. One note of caution: this information comes from a variety of sources with a variety of beliefs and ideas behind them. Our viewpoint is that of Christians who believe that there is one God and that He created the universe at some time in the past-- nowhere near millions or billions of years ago. Exactly how long ago is besides the point. We believe that there was a worldwide flood and that evolution as an explanation for our existence is a fairy tale. If you believe differently perhaps we can at least agree that what we're being told about origins and the past is seriously flawed.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72 73 NEXT>>>



The Great Day of His Wrath

by John Martin

Click Photo for larger view.

First of all, you must understand that in the last days scoffers will come, scoffing and following their own evil desires. They will say, "Where is this `coming' he promised? Ever since our fathers died, everything goes on as it has since the beginning of creation."

But they deliberately forget that long ago by God's word the heavens existed and the earth was formed out of water and by water. By these waters also the world of that time was deluged and destroyed.

By the same word the present heavens and earth are reserved for fire, being kept for the day of judgment and destruction of ungodly men. But do not forget this one thing, dear friends:


New On the Blog:

Did Ancient Americans Ride the Parasaurolophus Dinosaur?-Or Did They Just Exaggerate the Size of Their Sheep?

True Suppressions: Remembering the “Granby Idol” Unfakeable Relic Showing Dinosaur Human Mastodon Interaction in Pre-Glacial Granite

Bioluminescent Pterosaurs Over Lake Erie-And Elsewhere?

After The Flood; A Graveyard Planet: Fossil Fuels and Facile Fools, False Dates and Phosphates. We Stand on the Shoulders of Those Who Came Before Us –but Also on Their Heads, Backs, Stomachs and Feet! (and etc.) March 1st, 2010

Forbidden History: Dinosaurs and the Bible One Hour Video, February 19th, 2010

Antique Primate (Giant Human) Leg Bone Fossil “290 Million Years Old” on EBAY: Minimum Bid; $2,000,000 February 16th, 2010

Taking Abortion One Step Further In the Name of Science? Founders of British Obstetrics ‘Were Callous Murderers?

From Soup to; "Nuts?"” New Research Rejects 80-Year Theory of ‘Primordial Soup’ as the Origin of Life

Evolutionist's Refuse to Accept the Sole of Man; These are the Soles that Try Men's Times (200,000,000 Years+); The Sole of Man After Death; Fossilized Shoe Sole from Rock Supposedly Hundreds of Millions of Years Old

The Top 12 Science Stories of 2009 for Creationists/Believers.

Tracking Living (Or Recently Dead) African Pterosaurs

Avatar Rakes in the Green While Giving Some Movie-Goers; The Blues

Pteranodon on a Stick: Egyptian "Was" Scepter Creature No Mystery Without Darwinian History

An Essay Concerning Giants, by Dr. Thomas Molyneux M.D., Philosophical Transactions 1700-Taking the Logic out of Mythological

The Fossil Giants of Castelnau

If There was a Global Flood, Where did All the Water Come From? Relax, You’re Soaking in it!

Who Gave Us This Day Our Daily Bread?: And–Smart Chickens or Dumb Clucks?

I Knew a Duck Sir, That Duck Was a Friend of Mine, You Sir are No Duck! Neolithic Dinosaur Headed Ceramic from Romania?

Cosmic Chess: The Copernican Gambit?

The Last Vestige of the Mythical Vestigial Organ Claim?

Know Evolution (No Evolution)

The Evolving, Non-Evolving, Evolution Problem

It's Just a Bird, Is Your Belief? Well Hold Up A Second, Chief!

How Much is that T-Rex in the Window?

Amazingly Accurate, True- Life Toy Pteranodon?

"Oldest" Animal Fossils Found in Lakes, Not Oceans

Four Out of Five Skeptics Agree: That Pre-Co Artifact is no T-Rex!

Dinosaurs Shed a few Tons in Science Makeover

Online Publication:Tracking the Ancient Griffin, Modern Monsters and the �Extinct� Pterosaur Through Art, History and Science

Online Publication:Were Ancient Sea Monsters Actually Mythological or Did the Ancients Actually See Monsters?

Online Publication:Tracking the Sauropod Through the Art of Ancient Peoples, Part 1

Online Publication:Tracking the Sauropod Through the Art of Ancient Peoples, Part 2

Egyptian Official of High Rank Without Traditional Garb

Four Out of Five Skeptics Agree: That Pre-Co Artifact is no T-Rex!

Human Footprint Overlaid by Dinosaur Print Authenticated; Video

The Incredible Creation Inch and Other "True” Stories

Dinosaurs in the Temple; The Angkor Wat Stegosaur; the Bi-Pedal Dinosaur and Giant Creature at Umm El-Kanatir

A Response to A Christian Friend on His Theory Suggesting How Creationists and Evolutionists Might Both Be Correct

The Biggest Out of Place Artifacts Ever? Immense, Stupendous Sized Petrified Trees in the Black Hills, South Dakota

So We Make Up Stories About Evolution

That Dog Won't Hunt! Dog in "Turtle Shell" is a Glyptodont?

Living “Pre-Historic” Creatures Reported in Papua NG; Monckton’s “Gazeka” Positively Id'ed, Theropod Dino Verified– by Native Art Blogger Archives-Latest Site Updates

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Atheists/Evolutionists on GOD

"We are forced by our a priori adherence to material causes to create an apparatus of investigation and a set of concepts that produce material explanations, no matter how counter-intuitive, no matter how mystifying to the uninitiated.

Moreover, that materialism is an absolute, for we cannot allow a Divine Foot in the door." Richard Lewontin 'Billions and billions of demons', The New York Review, January 9, 1997, p. 31.

GOD on Atheists/Evolutionists

The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness, since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them.

For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities--his eternal power and divine nature--have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.

For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools.. Romans 1:18...

Darwin's Full Title:"On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life."



Parkway church of Christ

Bible Gateway


Interactive Bible Home Page

BAS Biblical Archaeology Review

Science Frontiers Digest of Scientific Anomalies

Institute For Creation Research (ICR)

Center for Scientific Creation.. In the Beginning

Creation Evolution Headlines

Answers in Genesis

Biotic Message

Revolution against Evolution

Forbidden Archaeology

The Creation Home Page

Creation Science

Creationism Connection

The Darwin

Lambert Dolphin's Home Page

Creation Evolution Encyclopedia

Truth Radio..Creation Science Radio Hour

Dr Creation Science Evangelism

Tom Carpenter's Creation Defense

Dinosaurs Mentioned in the Bible

Mysterious Origins of Man Investigating faith, ethics and religious doctrine.

Handy Dandy Evolution Refuter

God and Science

Creation Studies Institute


New On the Blog:

Human Footprint Overlaid by Dinosaur Print Authenticated; Video

The Incredible Creation Inch and Other "True” Stories

Dinosaurs in the Temple; The Angkor Wat Stegosaur; the Bi-Pedal Dinosaur and Giant Creature at Umm El-Kanatir

A Response to A Christian Friend on His Theory Suggesting How Creationists and Evolutionists Might Both Be Correct

The Biggest Out of Place Artifacts Ever? Immense, Stupendous Sized Petrified Trees in the Black Hills, South Dakota

So We Make Up Stories About Evolution

That Dog Won't Hunt! Dog in "Turtle Shell" is a Glyptodont?

Living “Pre-Historic” Creatures Reported in Papua NG; Monckton’s “Gazeka” Positively Id'ed, Theropod Dino Verified– by Native Art Blogger Archives-Latest Site Updates

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Atheists/Evolutionists on GOD

"We are forced by our a priori adherence to material causes to create an apparatus of investigation and a set of concepts that produce material explanations, no matter how counter-intuitive, no matter how mystifying to the uninitiated.

Moreover, that materialism is an absolute, for we cannot allow a Divine Foot in the door." Richard Lewontin 'Billions and billions of demons', The New York Review, January 9, 1997, p. 31.

GOD on Atheists/Evolutionists

The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness, since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them.

For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities--his eternal power and divine nature--have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.

For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools.. Romans 1:18...

Darwin's Full Title:"On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life."



Parkway church of Christ

Bible Gateway

Interactive Bible Home Page

BAS Biblical Archaeology Review

Science Frontiers Digest of Scientific Anomalies

Institute For Creation Research (ICR)

Center for Scientific Creation.. In the Beginning

Creation Evolution Headlines

Answers in Genesis

Biotic Message

Revolution against Evolution

Forbidden Archaeology

The Creation Home Page

Creation Science

Creationism Connection

The Darwin

Lambert Dolphin's Home Page

Creation Evolution Encyclopedia

Truth Radio..Creation Science Radio Hour

Dr Creation Science Evangelism

Tom Carpenter's Creation Defense

Dinosaurs Mentioned in the Bible

Mysterious Origins of Man Investigating faith, ethics and religious doctrine.

Handy Dandy Evolution Refuter

God and Science

Creation Studies Institute