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Out of Place Artifacts cont....Page 18

Mysterious Finds, Million-of Years-Old

This story began in the summer of 1977, in a freezing compartment of the Research Institute of Arctic and Antarctic in then-Leningrad.

At that time, the Institute was situated in an old palace, in the quay of the Fantanka River. We worked for the Hydrometeorology Institute at a project site. The laboratory freezer was not empty: there were some deep-water ice examples mined through boring the Antarctic ice floes.

Click and drag photo to resize.

That unforgettable day, there was a dispute about the age of the mined ice. One of our specialists was persuaded that the age of the of ice core was 20,000 years, while another said it was 13,000 years old, because he believed that at that time a global catastrophe took place which annihilated Atlantis and caused global glaciation.

His colleague insisted on his position based on the scientific data: 20,000 years was the age of the wooden chip from a baobab tree found in one of the ice samples. The age of the chip was ascertained utilizing the radio-carbon method.

Still, the supporter of the Atlantis theory did not give up: in earlier times, there was no ice in the Antarctic. There was probably some baobab growing there for 7,000 years, then glaciation started, and a piece of wood got to ice. So, you get 20,000 years!

This dispute made me search for some other organic material in the mined ice, though, after superficial investigation of several specimens, I did not find anything.

At that very moment, a group of visitors came to the laboratory to see the many-thousand-year-old ice. A young visitor even wanted to lick the piece of ancient ice. I forbid it pretexting some microorganisms which could have remained in ice including agents of some unknown diseases.

Apropos, the institute administration ignored this possible danger. So, I decided to take an initiative and to carry out at least the simplest research: to look at the samples through microscope.

I managed to find an ally that was a friend, a microbiologist, candidate of science. This woman wanted to write her thesis for a Doctor’s Degree. If we found some microbes in ice, that could provide her with some excellent material to add a chapter to her thesis.

Among the samples we chose for our research there was one, which we found most interesting: within it, astonishingly, there were some threads. The piece of ice melted soon, and we could see several golden wires about 2-cm-long and as thick as a human hair.

We could see through the microscope that the “hairs” were pieces of some metal wire of a goldish colour. All the wires had the same length and were cut off very accurately. While pressing upon the wire, some dents appeared, as if the wires were created of a soft metal.

Later we made a chemical test, using hydrochloric, sulphuric, nitric and acetic acids. The golden hair stood the test, and thus we had no doubt: the wires were made of gold.

Several years passed, and in the State Hydrometeorology Committee, a commission on anomalous phenomena launched its work. At one of its meetings, I told the assemblage about my find. The chairman of the committee, academician Fiodorov became interested in the find and handed it over to his friend, who was the head of Crystallography Institute of the Soviet Academy of Science.

The Institute carried out a test of the gold “wires” and concluded the material was an alloy of gold and silver. It should be noticed that in 1984, a report appeared in the press, that US researchers had also independently found golden wires in Antarctic ice.

Though, if the stories were accurate, this was not a singular sensation. Already in 1844, the British newspaper Times reported about some golden thread found in a stone, at a depth of 2.5 m in Berwickshire.

50 years later, a piece of golden wire was found in Australian limestone, while in 1957 in Africa, they were found in a piece of granite. Curiously, the age of these finds is millions of years. Apropos, even odder things are sometimes found in stones: from nails to small gold chains and vessels of some complex metal which seem to have been deposited there tens of millions of years ago.....Pravda (Edited to improve clarity)

Bronze Age Solar Observatory Found in Eastern Germany

The Nebra Sky Disk

by Lise Hull

In September of 2002, German archaeologists revealed a Bronze Age find with the potential to change modern-day thought about how the ancients viewed their relationship to the stars, moon, and sun, and how they may have used solar observatories to predict the cycle of life.

Based on its association with other Bronze Age artifacts found near Nebra, a site located about 110 miles southwest of Berlin in eastern Germany, archaeologists believe that the bronze Sangerhausen Star Disk may be 3,600 years old.

Click and drag photo to resize.

Despite having been discovered about four years ago by metal detectorists illegally working the site, it was not until July of 2002 that authorities seized the artifact, along with two swords, two axes, a chisel, and a set of arm-rings, and arrested the people who had plundered the site. Only then were archaeologists able to pinpoint exactly where the looters had unearthed the plate-like disk and begin excavating the site.

Thus far, archaeologists have uncovered a circular earthen embankment some 200 yards in diameter, which encloses the entire site and includes a series of ramparts and ditches that were used continually from 1,600 to 700 BC.

Valued at about $10 million, the disk’s images were embossed with gold leaf. They display the sun (or a full moon), a crescent moon, the horizon, and 32 stars, several of which may represent the Pleiades, the star cluster used by Bronze Age peoples to predict the timing of autumn and the fall harvest.

If determined to be authentic, the Star Disk could be the earliest astronomical map in existence, and the forested site where it was found—Mittelberg hill—might be the home to the oldest surviving solar observatory.

Speculating that the structure was a celestial observatory, astronomer Wolfhard Schlosser from the University of Bochum, said, “The site’s special aspect can be seen in the correct determination of at least two important dates. On June 21, the sun can be seen from here to set exactly behind the Brocken, the most important mountain in the Harz, and on May 1, the sun sets behind the Kulpenberg, the highest hill of the Kyffhäuser.”

Superficially, then, the Nebra site has similarities to other henge sites in Europe, including Stonehenge and Avebury, both of which were enclosed with earthen banks and ditches. However, since the German site was constructed with timber logs rather than stone slabs, it is more similar to Woodhenge, an ancient site in England where timber uprights were erected instead of stone.

The Purpose of the Disk

While scholars have wrestled with the possibility that such megalithic sites functioned as some sort of celestial observatory, they have been unable to offer concrete physical proof to bolster their theories. So the association of the Star Disk with the henge-like structure at Nebra may be just the breakthrough they have been seeking. The images on the Star Disk may even correlate with the view of the night sky as seen from Mittelberg hill during the Bronze Age.

Besides identifying several astronomical bodies on the bronze disk, scholars have offered a variety of interpretations about the two curved shapes depicted opposite each other on the object. According to Professor Schlosser, the two gold bands represent an angle of 82.5°.

This represents the circle of the daily period passing from the summer solstice on June 21 to the winter solstice on December 21 in central Germany. A third more curved gold band lies between the two horizon arcs, and may represent either the Milky Way or a ship sailing between the horizons across the nocturnal celestial ocean.

Archaeologist Harald Meller, director of State Museum for Prehistory in Halle, Germany, believes that both the circular building and the Star Disk were used by the ancients to track the sun’s movement from winter to summer solstices, providing information on when to sow and harvest their crops.

Findings from the Nebra excavations will be published in early 2003, and a conference on the subject is planned for 2004 in Halle, Germany, where the Star Disk is currently being studied.

Future plans for the site near Nebra include reconstructing the solar observatory and turning the hilltop into a tourist attraction so that visitors will be able to experience how the structure may have functioned during prehistoric times.

Perhaps by then, sufficient evidence will exist to determine whether the bronze plate is authentic and confirm both its original purpose and that the henge site was used by the ancients as a solar observatory. Its broader implications may change the way archaeoastronomers understand the prehistoric world, how megalithic monuments were used, and whether or not the ancients had an intellectual sophistication that modern humans have yet to define.

Source: John (Hans) Pohland


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